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[1] WANG Xiaoyan, LIU Shufen, BAO Tie.An Ontology Centric Approach for Building Collaborative Tagging-based Systems to Manage Personal Knowledge in KAM Chinese Journal of Electronics.22(3), 442-448,2013.07. (SCI索引:178XP) [2] WANG Xiaoyan, LIU Shufen, BAO Tie. An Evidence-Driven Framework for Trustworthiness Evaluation of Software Based on Rules. Chinese Journal of Electronics.21(4), 589-593,2012.07(SCI索引:031UY) [3] Xiaoyan Wang, Shufen Liu.Tie Bao. Approach of Designing an Executable Meta-Modeling Language in MDA Framework.20(3), 432-436.2011.7 (SCI索引:795SU) [4] 王晓燕,刘淑芬,张俊. 一种基于领域模型和构件组合的软件开发框架.电子学报. 37(3):540-545,2009.03(EI索引:20091812064319) [5] 王晓燕,刘淑芬. 基于接口自动机的服务组合方法.304永利集团官网入口学报(工学版).39(3):743-748,2009.03 (EI索引:20092212099035) [6] 包铁,刘淑芬,王晓燕.电力生产管理系统的可信构造方法研究.电子学报.38(9).2166-2171.2010.9. (EI索引:20104713408795) [7] Xiaoyan Wang, Shufen Liu,Tongcheng Geng. An Interface Automata based Model for Web Service Composition. Proceedings of the 2008 12th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design.2008,945-950 (EI索引:083711535734;ISTP索引:BHV91) [8] Xiaoyan Wang, Shufen Liu .A Method Using Workflow based on Roles and Rules to Compose Components .Procddeings 2008 IEEE International Symposium on IT in Medicine and Education.2008.1083-1088. (EI索引:20091411998242;ISTP索引:BHV91) [9] Xiaoyan Wang, Shufen Liu, Shuqiu Li. A Model-driven based Aspect-oriented Model Weaving Framework for Distributed System. Proceedings of the 2007 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design.2007: 59-62.(EI索引:083011404780;ISTP索引:BGT34) [10] 王晓燕,刘淑芬,陈玉栓. 软件产品线方法在网络管理软件开发中的研究与应用. 304永利集团官网入口学报(理学版). 2006,第44卷(特刊): 175-180. [11] 王晓燕,刘淑芬.面向领域的软件开发的研究. 计算机应用研究. 2005,第11期:74-76. [12] Wang Xiaoyan, Liu Shufen.The Research of Routing Monitoring and Route Emulating.Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Computer-aided Industrial Design and Conceptual Design.2003.10:292-295. [13] Jinhong Zhao, Shufen Liu, Xianyan Wang, Liang Chen, Chuyi Wei.Research and Design of an Executable Modeling Language Based on MOF. Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Computer-aided Industrial Design and Conceptual Design.2008.11. (EI索引:20091311975960) [14] Zhang Xinlei,Liu Shufen,Wang Xiaoyan Wang. Research and realization of network management Platform Based on MDA,2008 IEEE 9th International Conference on Computer-Aided Industrial Design & Conceptual Design,p1051-1055. (EI索引:20091311976101) [15] Yu Han, Shufen Liu,Xiaoyan Wang,Bin Li.Design of a Metamodel-based Telecoms Modelling Language. Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Computer-aided Industrial Design and Conceptual Design.2008.11. (EI索引:20091311976144) [16] Peng Jun, Liu Shufen, Li Jinyu, Wang Xiaoyan, Qin Tingting. A cooperative engagement system based on dynamic workflow. Proceedings of the 2008 12th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design.2008,683-687. (EI索引:083711535688) [17] 秦亭亭, 刘淑芬, 吴菲, 王晓燕,李晓春. 一种模型转换分类方法及其在QVT中的应用. 计算机应用与软件.2008.08. [18] 张占国,刘淑芬,包铁,张欣佳,王晓燕,张婵.基于STP协议的物理网络拓扑发现.计算机工程. 2008,第6期.